Dr. Falciano

Our Services



Bonding is a cosmetic procedure that applies tooth-colored plastic to front teeth to improve their color, shape, or size. It can transform one tooth or your entire smile while protecting teeth from further damage. Ideal for spaces, small or misshapen teeth, or discoloration, bonding offers dramatic results in a single, comfortable appointment. The process involves preparing the teeth, applying a mild acid, then sculpting and polishing the bonding material for a fresh, new smile.


A missing tooth can lead to shifting teeth, stress on the jaw (TMJ), and difficulty cleaning, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease. A bridge fills the gap by using adjacent teeth for support, which are contoured before making an impression. A dental lab uses this to create the bridge. The material for your new bridge, such as porcelain, acrylic, gold, or alloys, will be chosen based on both function and appearance.


You may need a crown if your tooth is fractured, an old crown or filling has failed, you've had a root canal, you have a large cavity, or you want to improve a tooth's appearance. A crown fully covers the tooth, restoring and protecting it, while also enhancing its look. The procedure requires two visits: the tooth is shaped, impressions are taken, and a lab creates the crown from materials like porcelain, gold, or alloys.

Dental Insurance

Dental insurance covers a portion of basic services but rarely pays for optimal care or 100% of any fee. Choosing higher-quality treatment can save money long-term, as durable materials offer better performance and appearance. For indemnity plans, benefits are based on "usual, customary, and reasonable" (UCR) fees, which may not reflect actual dental costs and can be arbitrary.

Home Whitening

Home whitening is an easy way to brighten your smile, often showing results within a week. We’ll create custom trays from impressions of your teeth, and you’ll use them with a gentle whitening gel. The oxygen in the gel penetrates the enamel, removing most discoloration. Results can last 1-5 years, depending on lifestyle, and may need touch-ups over time.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium cylinders surgically placed in the jawbone to support a restoration, preserving bone levels and leaving surrounding teeth unaffected. The process involves creating a mouth model for precise placement, followed by surgical insertion of the implant. Once healed, a custom restoration is attached. Implants can replace single teeth, multiple teeth, or dentures, providing stability, a secure fit, and a natural appearance.


Inlays are a durable, high-quality option for restoring back teeth, preserving tooth structure. Custom-made to fit precisely between cusps, the procedure involves preparing your teeth, taking impressions, and sending them to a lab. The lab creates the inlays from porcelain, gold, or alloys. On your next visit, the inlays are adjusted for a precise fit, cemented, polished, and your bite is checked, restoring the function and appearance of your teeth.

New Patient Exam

All new patients receive a thorough seventy minute exam, in order to properly assess their dental health. This exam includes x-rays, gum exam, head and neck exam (muscles of the head and neck, temporomandibular joint), digital pictures of the teeth, oral cancer screening, and evaluation of the bite. Click Here to Download Our Registration and Medical History Form

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a gum infection caused by plaque, a sticky film of food and bacteria. It often goes unnoticed in early stages since it’s rarely painful. If plaque hardens into tartar, only professional cleaning can remove it. Tartar allows harmful bacteria to thrive, damaging gum and bone tissue, which can loosen teeth. Symptoms include persistent bad breath, swollen or bleeding gums. Early diagnosis can prevent further damage and save your teeth.

All-Porcelain Crowns

New technology allows crowns to be made entirely from porcelain, eliminating the dark gray line seen with porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. All-porcelain crowns are translucent, resembling natural teeth, providing strength and beauty. These custom-made restorations cover and repair damaged teeth or improve appearance by covering discolored or misshapen teeth. The procedure requires two visits: we prepare the tooth, take impressions, and a dental lab creates your natural-looking porcelain crown.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made shells that cover the front and tops of teeth. They can whiten teeth and correct issues like chips, misshapen, crooked, or worn teeth. The process involves removing a thin layer of enamel, taking impressions, and having a dental lab create veneers that fit precisely. Once bonded, veneers are strong and provide a beautiful, natural-looking smile.

At Home Bleaching

A dazzling white smile can make a big difference, but teeth may lose their brightness over time. Our advanced whitening agents can restore a bright, white smile. Bleaching trays are fabricated for the patients and bleaching gel is given to them to take home. To maintain your new smile, brush twice daily, floss, and see us regularly. Use a straw for dark drinks and brush after coffee, tea, or wine. Occasional touch-ups may be needed for maximum brightness.

TMJ Treatment

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can cause symptoms like migraines, improper bite, teeth grinding, sore facial muscles, difficulty opening the mouth, and clicking or popping of the joint. A custom-made occlusal splint (night-guard) can significantly reduce these symptoms.

White Restorations

Advances in dental materials now offer strong, tooth-colored options for restoring damaged or decayed teeth, replacing traditional silver and gold fillings. You can choose between porcelain or composite resin, which are matched to your natural teeth for a seamless look. Both materials bond securely to your tooth, making them strong, durable, and allowing for a more conservative preparation that preserves more of your healthy tooth.